Microadenoma (Displaced Infundibulum) (MRI/CT) Secondary signs caused by the mass effect of the microadenoma include deviation of the infundibulum away from the mass and upward convexity of the superior margin of the gland. However, as stated above, the secondary signs are non-specific and may be seen in the normal population. These signs are less reliable than the identification of a hypointense lesion in a symptomatic patient. Fig. 24.7a Microadenoma. T1-weighted coronal MR image (a) showing hypointense microadenoma in the left side of the pituitary. The mass causes a convex superior margin of the gland and displacement of the infundibulum to the right. Coronal CT (b) in a different patient with a microadenoma in the right side of the pituitary displacing the infundibulum to the left.